Other Great Role-Playing Systems



Welcome to Zenfar, an Alien Science Fantasy RPG

Zenfar Role Playing Rules and Interactive Entertainment products are Copyright (c) 1996-2007 Dynamic Adventures Inc. Thanks and enjoy the adventure!

Developed by: Glen Martin


Next choose from the list of orders and add the bonus points to your attributes. Also you may get special equipment, powers, etc. based on your choice of starting profession. Also your choice of profession will determine your starting skills. You will be free to learn any skill in the future, and your alter ego may become something quite different than their starting job might indicate.

Aether Wielders

Atune - In constant harmonic ressonance with their surroundings, the Atune draws on the Essence of Zenfar. This order is more able than other Alter Egos to tap into the essence of the plane of Zenfar and the Aether of the Gigaverse. The prime skill for a Atune is Essence Manipulation. Other skills of note include Healing, Lore-World, Ancient Ways, Interaction and Unarmed combat. The prime attribute is Faith.

Prime Skill: Essence Manipulation +30

Other Skills: Healing +20, Lore-World +10, Ancient Ways +10, Interaction +10

Prime Attribute: Faith +5

Training: Essence Manipulation, Healing, Unarmed Combat

Powers: Essence

Wielders - The wielder spends their life learning how to use the Flux inside their being to unleash destructive and protective power. The prime skill for a Wielders is Flux Manipulation. Other skills include Resist Flux, Resist Essence, Notice, and Lore-World. Prime attributes are Intellect and Willpower. The raw power of Flux makes the Wielder a powerful way of life for an inhabitant of Zenfar.

Prime Skill: Flux Manipulation +30

Other Skills: Notice +20, Lore-World +10, Resist Flux +10, Resist Essence +10

Prime Attributes: Willpower +5 and Intellect +4

Training: Flux Manipulation, Resist Flux, Resist Essence


Council of Zenfar (COZ) Guards - are well rounded combatants. They can use many weapons and can handle hand to hand and ranged combat with equal skill. Prime skill is Ranged-Fired Weapons, other skills include: Notice, Melee Weapons, Stealth, and Unarmed Combat. Prime attributes are Aim and Perception. Clearly the Council of Zenfar Guards are the most effective marksmen on the plane of Zenfar.

Prime Skill: Ranged Combat Fired +25

Prime Attributes: Aim +5 and Perception +5

Defenders - are able to withstand the physical stress of combat, a Defender can also summon the Essence of Zenfar to aid them. They are committed to defending their home plane. A Defender's skills include Essence, Melee Weapons, Unarmed Combat, Ranged-Missile Weapons, Ranged-Fired Weapons, Lore-World, Lore-Creature, Resist Flux, and Ancient Ways. Although the Defender is trained in many skills they do not posses the mastery in any one skill that other professions possess. The Prime attributes are Endurance, Willpower, and Agility.

Prime Skill: Melee Combat +10 and Essence Manipulation +10

Prime Attributes: Endurance +5 and Willpower +3

Implars - Elite protectors, trained with an emphasis on offence. Ęther swords and blasters are the weapons of choice for an Implar. Often Implars will lead small teams into extreme situations. These flash teams provide a more subtle and effective solution than a cadre of warriors. Implars are much more than simple warriors or leaders. They posses the ability to call on the Flux which flows through their body to unleash awesome powers. An Implar's skills include Flux, Melee Weapons, Impress, Ranged-Fired Weapons, Resist Flux, Ancient Ways, Lore-Creature, and Lore-World. Implars gain a bonus to Endurance and Agility making them deadly to those that oppose them.

Prime Skill: Melee Combat +15 and Flux Manipulation +10

Prime Attributes: Endurance +5 and Agility +5

Future Choices

Amozin Warrior - These warrior women honor physical combat above all other things. They have incorporated melee combat into their entertainment and worship.

Prime Skill: Melee Combat +15

Prime Attributes: Strength +5 and Agility +5

CareTaker -

Prime Skills: Lore-World +10, Creature lore +10, and Notice +10

Prime Attributes: Perception +5 and Intellect +3

Intrigue - Sometimes even flash teams are not subtle enough for delicate problems. That is when an Intrigue is called into action.

Prime Skills: Stealth +10, Fired Weapons +10, and Notice +10

Prime Attributes: Agility +5 and Perception +3

Searcher - With so much hidden history on Zenfar, it is no wonder that an Order would dedicate themselves to finding all that is hidden from the inhabitants of Zenfar.

Prime Skills: Lore-World +5, Lore-Creature +5, Morphonics +5, and Flux +5

Prime Attributes: Intellect +5 and Perception + 3

Health and Aether

There are also several figure attributes including: Health and Aether. Health is the amount of damage your Alter Ego can withstand before falling unconscious. Aether is a mystical fifth element that is found throughout the GigaVerse and can be used to create magical, mystical, and mental effects.

  • Health = Endurance + Strength/2 + Willpower/2

  • Aether = Willpower + Intellect/3 + Faith/3 + Endurance/3


Denods are the currency of Zenfar. Each Alter Ego starts with 4d10+40 denods.

On to Skills, Combat, Weapons, & Armor